Welcome Guest Board Index > Character Database > Seth
GenderMale (usually)
Arrival MethodRed Breach
Created 5:10 PM
Last Edited 8:57 PM
Approved 8:29 PM
  • Old Size: 5'6" 127 lbs Information
  • Apparent Age: Late teens
  • Character Build: Lanky
  • Body Type: Bipedal
  • Voice: Middling tone
  • Usual Scent: Human
  • Description:
    Dev's main, ostensibly original form. He's a fair skinned human male of mixed european descent. He has a slight farmer's tan, and some light freckles on his face and shoulders. He's got a fairly skinny build, with good reach despite his stature. His hair is a light brown color, which he typically keeps short and well cleaned.

    He'll often wear jeans or shorts, depending on the weather, with a teeshirt and sweater in various patterns. Nothing too fancy.
  • Old Size: 32 inches (Not counting tail(s)), 25 lbs Information
  • Character Build: Average
  • Body Type: Quadruped
  • Voice: Yappy fox, only can talk with magic
  • Description:
    This form appears to be a good sized North American Red fox. He can't talk in this form without the aide of magic, which may prove problematic.
Anthro Fox
  • Old Size: 5'4", 120 lbs Information
  • Apparent Age: Late Teens
  • Character Build: Average
  • Body Type: Bipedal
  • Usual Clothing: Same as Human Form
  • Description:
    This is a bipedal anthropomorphic red fox form. He lacks distinguished head-hair usually, but he is actually capable of shifting along a spectrum of anthro-ness, from basically fuzzy human to more animal-like ala zootopia. Generally though, he goes for a fairly fox-ish mix with digitigrade feet (not counted in the height). His fur is fluffy and exquisitely soft.

    His clothing in this form tends to be much lighter than as a human, as his fluffy fur keeps him warm.
Mundane Earth, circa 2018
While in college, Seth worked for a business firm over the summers as a buyer for their supplies.
Seth was a fairly bright kid growing up. He was second of 3 children, so had the perpetual middle child problems one might expect. His older brother has typically outperformed him academically, but he managed to do better in college with a dual degree, finally breaking the middle child curse. In school, he did swimming occasionally, and participated on his school's math meet team in middle and high school.

In college, he managed to get set up to be living on his own, but didn't get out too much. He was focused on his studies and didn't make many friends outside the same program he was in. He has fairly extensive knowledge on physics, electronics, computer science, and programming. He got in a car crash that did a number on his knee in his junior year of college, which limited his mobility and led to some weight gain which he hopes to slough off at some point. Lucky for him, he didn't need any painkillers stronger than ibuprofen.

After completing his undergrad degree, he went straight on to a doctoral program and was about a year into that, when a red breach caught him walking out his front door, bringing him to infinitas, and forever altering his form. One benefit of that is that it will make him several years younger, undoing his knee damage and weight gain.
Smartphone (Edit)
A 2027 smartphone, with high speed camera, good signal booster, and considerable memory and processing power. It also include Google Assist, a rudimentary AI helper system, though it's capabilities are hampered without access to the internet. It also has a very durable LifeProofâ„¢ protective case. Included are some peripherals, a set of nice headphones, an external battery and charger, and a controller/picoprojector set-up for gaming on the go.
Kindle Fire (Edit)
A 2027 high end Amazon tablet, mainly for media consumption. Includes bluetooth keyboard. Has loads of movies downloaded onto it.
Laptop (Edit)
A 2027 high-end gaming laptop, with advanced batteries, high end processing power, and an 8k 19" screen.
Swiss Army Knife
  • A durable, multipurpose tool which includes a knife, can-opener, etc.
  • Effective range from character: Melee
  • Paintball
    • Training:
      He has some experience with paintball matches from a club in college. He's a pretty crack shot with any firearm from the muscle memory that developed.
  • Engineering/Physics dual major degrees
    • Description:
      Seth has undergraduate degrees for Electrical Engineering and Physics from an ivy league university, and was in the process of getting post-graduate degrees.
  • Undergraduate dual major degree with some grad level work.
  • English
Parnormal Abilities
Shapeshifting (Edit)
  • Description:
    Seth has become a kitsune, and is capable of shifting his form quite widely. At first he'll struggle to shift between the forms outlined above, but as time passes, he'll be able to start shifting to other forms freely, including disguising himself as other humans.
  • Limits:
    When using this to disguise himself as someone, he'll only really be able to eyeball getting it right. It's likely that he'd miss small details, get the build slightly wrong, etc. Additionally, he can't increase his apparent mass above 1.5x his normal human form, or lower it to below half his fox form.
  • Repercussions:
    Shifting between his fox forms will come easily, but shifting into other forms will be taxing, until he's spent at least a cumulative 72 waking hours in them. At that point, he'll have familiarized himself with them enough to get into and out of it fairly easily, but still not as easily as his fox forms.
Kitsune Magic (Edit)
  • Description:
    As a kitsune, Seth has the ability to perform not only shapeshifting, but magic in general. There are a few abilities which will come naturally to him, but others will have to develop as he gains more tails, and builds up his magical power and skill through tedious practice and study.
  • Limits:
    His powers are largely limited by his number of tails. More tails = more power. A more defined list of his powers will be made as he develops them (And are approved)
  • Repercussions:
    Overtaxing himself can lead to physical exhaustion, high blood pressure, and eventual unconsciousness with nosebleeds optional.
  • Other:
    His natural affinities are:
    Spacetime magic (pocket dimensions and such)
    Fire elemental magic (A flame will be one of the easiest spells for him, eventually he'll reach firebender levels of talent)

    Magics outside of these abilities will take much more effort to learn, and will be listed here as he learns them.

    His ability to sense and observe magic will also start blurry and get sharper with time.

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Mar 10, 2017 8:29 PM
Re: Seth
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