Board Index > Character Database > Kireyja
Created: 8:39 PM
Last Edited: 2:39 PM
Approved: 5:43 PM
Status: Active
Full Name: Kireyja
Species: Thoradan
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Player: Arrow

Physical Profile:
- Thoradan

Full Description
A thoradan female with golden feathers. Large wings on the back, wearing a Greek style exomis or chiton at most times. Stands 6 feet tall, feathers covering to the elbows and knees. Exposed scaling has somewhat of an "inner glow" gradient coloring, like from the inside of a fire.

Picture reference at this time is of a Thoradan male Little sexual dimorphism.

- Items
  • - Relic
    A sun-in glory relic featuring feathers as the sun's rays.
- Weapons
  • - Javelin
    A regular javelin. Stout enough to also be used as a spear instead.

Skills & Abilities
- Language Fluency
  • Thordani
  • English
- Noncombat Skills
  • - Singing
    Absolutely excellent singer.
  • - Basic functionality
    Despite having no memory, she has all the expected skills for self function. Mobility, literacy, fluency, cooking. Nothing particularly fantastic, but enough to get by.
- Comb Training/Skills/Experience
  • - Javelin/spear/pointed stick
    Excellent fighter with pointed stick type weapons. Equivalent to 8+ years experience.

Paranormal AbilitiesBackground

World Information:
Oerth, a fantasy-kitchen sink type world where her people hail from. Magic, gods, wizards, mages, and multiple sentient races.

Character Background:
A woman appearing on Infinitas from a Migrant with no memory of where she came from or who she is.

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Jun 3, 2017 5:43 PM
Re: Kireyja
Approved, with the standard boilerplate warning
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